One of my friends once told me that I have a horror movie for every holiday. I opened my mouth to contest before realizing that she was pretty much right. It doesn’t solely land on me, I wouldn’t own a horror movie for every holiday if they didn’t make one. One such holiday which you would think would never have a horror movie associated with it is President’s Day. Luckily for you, I have quite a few options that would allow you to binge a full day’s worth of horror movies on President’s Day.

The Purge: Election Year
The Purge series is like a fine wine that seems to be getting better with age. This newest installment could not have come at a better time and is a solid movie that leaves you wanting more from the franchise. The title alone should clue you in to why this is a perfect horror movie for your President’s Day marathon, or any time of the year really.

Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter
In my humble opinion, neither this movie nor the book that it was based on got the attention that they deserved. It is a great historical movie which may take some liberties in a few small areas. Seriously though, the action is incredible in this film, the plot is decent for a story about one of The United States’ greatest presidents being a secret vampire hunter, and the acting is great for a bunch of people whose names you wouldn’t recognize. I think if more people could get past the title of this movie it would have enjoyed some bigger mainstream success; now it is your turn to give it its due this President’s Day.

The Washingtonians
I love short stories, especially those in the horror realm, which is probably why I think that “Are You Afraid of the Dark” was, and still is, one of the best overall shows ever made. Thanks to Anchor Bay, Showtime had a seasons-spanning anthology show where they tapped some of the best writers and directors that the horror genre has ever seen to create their own hour long episodes. One of those episodes is The Washingtonians and centers around a man who inherits his Uncle’s property and finds a letter that may prove that our first president wasn’t exactly who he seemed to be. When the townsfolk find out, they will do anything to prevent him from rewriting history. It is a decently suspenseful story with a little surprise at the end and totally worth slipping into your President’s Day movie marathon. The entire series can be found on the TubiTV app right now.

The Tripper
The first time I watched this movie I hated it. As I watch it right now, I still hate it. I included it on the list because the killer is dressed like Ronald Reagan, and because people are allowed to have differing opinions than me. By all rights this movie should be amazing; it is written and directed by David Arquette and stars him, Jaime King, Thomas Jane, Lukas Haas, Jason Mewes, Courtney Cox, Paz De Huerta, Balthazar Getty, and Paul Reubens. Even that number of recognizable faces (questionable star power) could not save this movie from being a bland slasher that is borderline incoherent. Like I said, while my opinion is always right, you may not always agree with it so this movie is good to slip into your lineup.

President’s Day
I have not yet had the opportunity to see this movie, but I am hard at work trying to obtain a copy. From the looks of the trailer, this is a solid B-grade horror movie with a lot of carnage and a few laughs to go along with it. It seems to be about a group of kids running for class president while being picked off by an Abraham Lincoln mask-wearing murderer. If anyone has seen this movie and can offer more information please let us know in the comments.