American Wit: An Interview with Cameron Matthews of Bear Ceuse
Long ago in the dawn of music, we interviewed Cameron Matthews of Bear Ceuse.
Reviewing the best and worst in film, television, and music
Long ago in the dawn of music, we interviewed Cameron Matthews of Bear Ceuse.
The Human Centipede succeeds in disgusting even the biggest horror fan. Unfortunately, the plot of the film lacks as much depth.
Claymation returns to the popular arts in the film Mary and Max.
James Gunn and Rainn Wilson make Super, well... super.
Wes Anderson pushes the "cute" levels past Fantastic Mr. Fox with Moonrise Kingdom.
With Zombieland: Double Tap on the way, we revisit the first oddity of survival horror, Zombieland.
Our 007 coverage continues with a review of From Russia with Love.
A review of Quarantine, and how it is Blair Witch Meets Cloverfield Meets Dawn of the Dead Meets Cujo.
We reminisce on fears of the va-jay-jay, both past and present, in his film review of Teeth.
Kevin Smith plus Star Wars porno mean awesomeness in film.