Trick or Treat is a Painfully ’80s Treat
The ‘80s were a great time filled with glam metal, big hair, and cheesy horror. Trick or Treat is filled with all of those.
Reviewing the best and worst in film, television, and music
The ‘80s were a great time filled with glam metal, big hair, and cheesy horror. Trick or Treat is filled with all of those.
The power of Chucky expands in Cult of Chucky.
Alien: Reign of Man goes under the film review knife in Reviews from the Edge.
Ghost Team: the paranormal comedy film that wasn't.
Kingsman: The Golden Circle is more of the same from the first film, and that's not a bad thing.
No comic book character has been as misunderstood and maligned by American pop culture as Judge Dredd.
Reviews from the Edge unearths the sci-fi romantic action film The Answer, and has questions.
Our fear of clowns continues to be supported with the film Clowntergeist.
Old roads end and new roads begin in the Season 2 finale of Preacher.
Reviews from the Edge dives into the replicant driven sci-fi film, Beyond the Trek.