James Franco Tries to Direct Terror in The Institute
The Institute uses what succeeded in other psych horror films set in asylums but not much more.
Reviewing the best and worst in film, television, and music
The Institute uses what succeeded in other psych horror films set in asylums but not much more.
Our St. Patrick's Day Horror Movie Marathon begins with Leprechaun.
Peelers: what happens to a zombie strip club film when Robert Englund and Jenna Jameson aren't cast.
The Lawnmower Man, and 90's VR sexploitation, celebrates its 25th Anniversary!
Some films are just so bad, they're good! Julie breaks down some of her favorites.
Forget everything you know about sequels. Logan exceeds everything you think about Wolverine films and expected from this one.
The trailer for The Void seems to give off a similar vibe to Fulci's The Beyond.
Logan is coming this week, the R-rated Wolverine movie we deserved.
A Cure for Wellness is a film that may need a cure from itself.
What can't we find with Freddy's horribly burned mug on it?